P A G E 4 NI NewsWinter 2008    

Nursing Informatics Questions and Answers
Questions From Readers

In this section, questions sent in by readers and visitors to the main Nursing Informatics web site are featured. I encourage you to ask questions that you would like to see printed in subsequent issues of this ezine. Go to the Contact Page to submit yours!

Q: I would like to know if your program is accredited by American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) http://www.nursecredentialing.org/ as well. Most of the Nursing Informatics courses here are offered through MSN courses (specialization-nursing informatics). I am looking for some short courses (Certificates) that ANCC will accept when I apply for their exam in the future.

A. These CE courses can go towards 50% of the CE requirement for the ANCC certification. This certification is a good place to start - unless you wish to go on for your Master's degree. These courses are approved by the California Board of Nursing which has approval sanction from the NCSBN - National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Thus, according to the ANCC rule, they can be used for 50% of the required 30 hours of CE completion.

(see below for ANCC guideline excerpt)

"Q. Do contact hours need to be approved or accredited by a national organization?

A. As of January 1, 2003, 50% of your contact hours must be provided by an ANCC accredited or approved provider."

Q. I am currently enrolled in a MSN program with specialization in informatics and have recently begun a new position as a clinical informaticist/analyst. I discovered your websites and have come to believe you have developed more toward a theory than anything else that currently exists. I am fascinated by your, The Revealing of Nursing Informatics, comprehensive exam.

In my current class, I am critiquing and applying theory and I want to use informatics as application area. The problem I am having is that I can not find peer reviewed journal articles relating any particular theory to informatics. Do you happen to have time to offer any suggestions? If so, any would be deeply appreciated.

A. Actually, the Revealing work (my 2nd comprehensive exam for my PhD - I am currently working on my dissertation) was a culmination of everything I could find on the subject. My best suggestion is to look at the reference list (bottom of each page of the site):


Although not specifically focused on nursing informatics, my first comprehensive exam, Nursing through the Lens of Culture, also explores key concepts that relate to how technology and informatics are shaped for and by nurses. It is available online at:



Coming Events

This ezine is produced and written by June Kaminski, creator and designer of Nursing Informatics.com.

June is available for consultation in relation to nursing informatics for practice, business, education and research. She has been involved in nursing informatics education, research and business since 1987 and is currently completing her PhD dissertation in Curriculum Studies at the University of British Columbia (with a focus on nursing informatics). Recent e-learning contracts with US and Canadian universities include course design in Technology for Teachers; Nursing Informatics for Masters Nursing students; First Nations Politics and Education; Statistics for Business Administration; and Nurses Influencing Change. Besides nursing informatics, her other current key research interests are First Nations Pedagogy. Ecology and Activism in Nursing and Music and Infant Development. June has signed a Publisher's Agreement with a prominent education publisher to write a textbook on Nursing Informatics which will be published within the next year.

Other services available include web and graphic design, CD and audiotape cover design, ezine and newsletter design, curriculum development (especially on-line), web content writing, and report/paper publishing. Go to our Commerce Center or Hygeia Designs, to find out more.

Upcoming events in Nursing Informatics.
28th - 31 st
HealthInf 2008
Funchal, Madeira - Portugal

8th - 10 th
WINI - Weekend Immersion in Nursing Informatics
Charleston, South Carolina
(other dates & locations listed as well)

4th - 7th
eHealth - Extending the Reach
in Vancouver, BC Canada.

16th - 19 th
Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics
Baltimore, Maryland

14th - 16th
ICCI 2008- IEEE Conference on Cognitive Informatics
Palo Alto, California

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Nursing Informatics.com
© June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c). 2000 - 2008
Subscribe at http://www.nursing-informatics.com/news.html